Experience Mediterranean-inspired intimacy. Gather 4 to 6 friends and family in our cozy Pantry, where you can delight in shared plates, rich flavours, and unforgettable moments. Elevate your dining experience, savouring every bite and every conversation.
£55 per person. Available to book for 12.30pm or 6.30pm.
Served with caprese salad (V) or mixed leaf salad (VEO).
(V) vegetarian | (VE) vegan | (GF) gluten-free | (VGO) vegetarian option | (VEO) vegan option | (GFO) gluten-free option
Please let us know if you have any allergies or dietary requirements. While we offer gluten-free menu options, we are not a
gluten-free kitchen. Cross-contamination could occur and our restaurant is unable to guarantee that any item can be completely
free of allergens. Please note a discretionary optional 10% service charge will be added to your final bill.
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